Shock Reality 101

The objective of “Shock Reality 101” is to provide the student with exercises that emulate real world scenarios. Preparing for if and when it “Goes Down”! This 3-hour training brings you up to speed with either carry skills or home defense skills. Once that is reviewed, we bring the real world to you! We off this both on-range and off-range, both bringing their own set of challenges for you.
- Understand the effects an attack will have on you… office or home.
- We’ll prove “mind training” is far superior to other training when it comes to carry.
- Stress Inoculation
- Shoot / No shoot decisions
- Shooting on the move
Plus we will give you the “25 mini gun fights” to you can take home and master carry skills 365 – Train EVERYDAY!
This is an off-range training, putting you in real life situation you cannot experience on a live range.