12/06/23 – Maryland has appealed the 3-judge ruling that said the Handgun Qualification License (HQL) was unconstitutional. This means until the full court of the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals hears the case and rules on it, you must obtain a HQL License to purchase a firearm in Maryland.
The Firearm Safety Act of 2013 rendered every Maryland citizen without a right to bear arms. This voided the Second Amendment protection and mandated that you comply with government requirements to obtain the right to bear arms, including obtaining a license from the government.
In 2016, a lawsuit was filed that has me writing this blog.
It is still not entirely through the courts, and it may take years before a final ruling. Until then, you must take a 4-hour class – Learn More Here, be fingerprinted, have a background check run, and wait for the government to approve your HQL.
We have taught over 20,000 other Maryland citizens gun safety.
You can have a true hands-on experience with Fortress Training. We focus on you truly learn not only the required laws but also how a firearm actually functions. You will load and unload a firearm, disassemble and reassemble the gun – you will actually learn more work with a firearm in class, not just watch someone do it.
The HQL is still around, so learn from full-time firearms instructors, not those who just do it on the side. We are not a gun range, nor do we sell guns and add training. All we do is focus on helping you master safety and shooting skills…